Sunday Teachings

Recent Calvary Chapel Ann Arbor teachings in mp4 (video) format:

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2/9/25Psalm 22Suffering and Praise ForeseenClick for video
2/2/25Daniel 12The Time of the EndClick for video
1/26/25Daniel 11:36-45Daniel's Final Vision Looks Far AheadClick for video
1/19/25Daniel 11:1-35Many Fulfilled PropheciesClick for video
1/12/25Daniel 10The Start of Daniel's Final VisionClick for video
1/5/25Daniel 9:24-27The 70 Weeks of DanielClick for video
12/29/24Daniel 9:1-23Daniel's PrayerClick for video
12/22/24Mt. 1:18-25The Birth of JesusClick for video
12/15/24Daniel 8Daniel's Vision of the Ram & the GoatClick for video
12/8/24Daniel 7Daniel's Vision of Four BeastsClick for video
12/1/24Daniel 6Daniel in the Lion's DenClick for video
11/24/24Daniel 5The Writing on the WallClick for video
11/17/24Daniel 4The King is HumbledClick for video
11/3/24Daniel 3The Fiery FurnaceClick for video
10/27/24Daniel 2The King's DreamClick for video
10/20/24Daniel 1Daniel & His Friends Obey GodClick for video
10/13/24Esther 10The King and His ServantClick for video
10/6/24Esther 9Victory for God's PeopleClick for video
9/29/24Esther 8The Second DecreeClick for video
9/22/24Esther 7Haman's Ultimate EndClick for video
9/15/24Esther 6Mordecai is HonoredClick for video
9/8/24Esther 5Esther vs. HamanClick for video
9/1/24Esther 4Crying Out to GodClick for video
8/25/24Esther 3Haman's PlotClick for video
8/18/24Esther 2Esther Becomes QueenClick for video
8/11/24Esther 1A Look at the KingClick for video

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